Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Desert Rider

When I was 15 I went I spent part of my summer on my uncle's ranch in California. It was the first time I had ever been to California and it was also my first time seeing the desert. My uncle has several horses and his home is literally in the middle of nowhere. There was desert all around us and it took long drive before we would get to the nearest town. One afternoon I decided to go horseback riding out in the desert. I went alone, which looking back was not the safest thing for me to do, the desert is a very large place and I could have easily gotten lost and have been left outside for several days. But I also feel that having been alone is what really helped the experience be more "magical."

I ended up riding for several hours and eventually the sun started to set while I was still out in the desert and I have to say it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The sky was almost purple, it was quiet, it was just me and the desert. It was amazing.

I am a huge advocate of saving nature. Mainly because it is where we come from as a species and a culture, it also provides us with a sense of spiritual relief and is a way for people to get away from other people and have a change of pace in their lives. Nature can help an individual feel more connected to the world and can give us a sense of belonging to something bigger then just a city or a country.

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