Monday, September 20, 2010

From the Space Race to the Green Race

In his article Thomas Friedman says that China will soon surpass the United States in terms of green technology and in emitting fewer carbon emissions. This was actually a surprise to me because personally I have not heard very many people talking about China going green. All the talk I have heard is about the U.S mission to convince China to go green. So reading this different perspective of China's government actually being greener and more committed to being green is fantastic.

I am all for a Going Green Race with China, lets switch from the Space Race to the Green Race. The world is in trouble and if a competition with China is what the U.S government needs to get off its ass and and lower our carbon emissions then I say lets get out our huge America is #1 foam fingers. Friedman says that China has made climate change about creating jobs for Chinese. The Chinese have brilliantly turned a major global catastrophe into a way to improve the everyday lives of their citizens. While here in America we (as I have said several times now in my blog posts) are still talking about if climate change even exists. And the Chinese are not just talking about improving their technology they are talking about changing the way they do things so they can live greener lives and use greener technology. Where as in America we are more focused on using greener technology and no changing our lifestyle.

Feel free to call me a non-American by saying that I am all for the Chinese to start kicking our butt in the Green Race, because climate change is not just an American problem, its a global problem and every nation needs to address it. And if a threat to American superiority is what it takes to cause change and really get our government to take action then I say on your mark, get set, GO Green!

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